They created my website without me spending any time. While I was focusing on all the important things- my work and lifestyle, they were doing the homework and they created a website which actually, genuinely represents me. I am quite happy with it. I do feel that it is worth a shot.

- Sahar Gharachorlou

Our Structured Approach that Flowed

Brand Identity + Content Strategy & Messaging+ UX Web Design + Art Direction + Marketing Collaterals Design + Social Media Makeover and Management

Coach Sahar helps individuals to make better decisions & lead their life with purposeful clarity.

For those who want to master their un-tamed mind and develop the art of emotional, social, and spiritual intelligence, Sahar is the ‘Go-to Clarity Coach’

Getting to Know the Client & Bridging Expectations

She was impressed with our brand discovery session, which helped us to dive deeper into her work and unleash her hidden traits. She affirms, “They take time to discover you, they take time to understand what you desire, and then they do their work and study.”

Coach Sahar wanted:

Our Focus was to:

Primary + Secondary Color Palette and Typography

The Sun is a very important element for Sahar, we captured the essence of the Sun as a theme and the color palette was cherry-picked. Fondamento font was chosen as it blended beautifully with her Sufi connection.

Her Goal. Our Goal.

With the right goal alignment, we curated the content, strategized the layout, selected the personal and professional photographs, we heart-crafted her story. With a mini-autobiography, impactful aesthetics, and the right dose of social proofing, we gave her the edge she desired.

A well-thought-out LinkedIn profile, right projection of her brand attributes, values, past experiences, we captured it with her brand voice. One pager profiles, multipage profiles, certificate design, presentation deck, and marketing collaterals became a part of our strategy.

Services UI / UX

An effective user Interface was implemented and it ensured that the Target Audience navigates with ease on the website and clearly see all her services

Maximising Branding Impact

Desired results were accomplished at the end of a strategically executed personal branding project. Our client;

And the Journey Continues

The Social Media Brand Projection and Strategy was synchronized with her Brand Identity and Business Objectives. The Visual Imagery on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and YouTube amplified her insightful content that she shared.

The Other Success Stories

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