December 20, 2018

The Downside of Irrelevant Social Media Posts

As the brand stylist sits across her client at a coffee house, Alisha chirps in, “Thank you so much for meeting up. To be frank, the reason I wanted to meet you is that my company isn’t doing too well. I need some help with my brand. I’m sure you will help me resolve my issues”..

Brand Stylist – Yes, I definitely will! Tell me, what is the challenge?

Alisha – Well, it’s about my social media postings. Though I post a lot on social media, I still do not get conversions as expected. I feel my brand is still not getting enough eyeballs. I’m in a fix. I don’t know how, despite posting three times on social media every day, I’m still running a loss.

Brand Stylist – Okay. Let me tell you something. Posting on social media certainly helps you in promoting your brand but you should also be careful about the content you post and the frequency at which you post. As you said, your social marketing is ineffective. Let’s look if the content is irrelevant and not very informative.

Also, let’s understand the drawbacks of irrelevant social media posts.

Alisha – I’m all ears, please go ahead!

Brand Stylist – Firstly, posting irrelevant information can sometimes be a reason for embarrassment. While posting content on an online platform, hashtags and a short description are usually used. However, there are a few companies that misuse hashtags and share tweets or posts, which create big controversies in the market.

Alisha – Oh yes, now that I think of it, I did see a very controversial post by a company and saw the backlash it got as well.

Brand Stylist – Although one gets their brand promotions, an irrelevant post can bring in negative feedback for the company. This can ruin your company’s reputation. So be aware of the content you post because it may get shared widely.

Posting regularly is time-consuming. Yet we see so many people regularly using social media only to look smart and trendy. However, there is a problem. Because it is time-consuming, people end up posting irrelevant stuff instead of a well-thought-out post.

If you happen to start a blog or a Facebook page, you have to dedicate enough time to it. A post once in a blue moon, with updates dating months back, will only leave the impression that you are careless, not very reliable, and probably your customer service too is lousy.

Good posts have the power to create a strong brand image and attract clients. Similarly, mindless posts can have a negative impact and leave you isolated in the market. That leaves you with one option. Take up the task of regular updates only if you have sufficient time to present relevant and quality content to your clients.

Alisha – That’s so true. Perhaps I have made this mistake a couple of times. I didn’t have a well-planned-out approach.

Brand Stylist – Okay. I’m sure you don’t always have the time to personally post social media content online. So you need a team or an individual to help you. But make sure they know the importance of the posts and how they reflect your brand identity. They need to be prompt on comments and feedbacks and should update relevant posts timely.

You should always discourage your team from posting controversial stuff, replying rudely to comments, or leaving harsh remarks. Make sure your account is in safe hands. It’s important for your company’s growth.

All your posts should reflect your brand and not the persona of the person behind the screen. Your blogs should maintain a certain tone and design that goes with the brand image. So even if you change the author in the future, it will not impact the content. Your position in social media shouldn’t collapse if a person decides to leave your company.

Further, people are not interested in your personal experiences. They are hungry for the knowledge you can provide them or they are looking for some quirky content to kill their time.

For a small company, it may be difficult to have one person specifically to maintain their social media feeds. In that case, outsourcing the task can help.

Alisha – You are right. I need to focus on these points.

Brand Stylist – Let me tell you something more. Even if you receive negative comments from customers on your platform, what matters most is how you handle them. Being sympathetic to your customers, sensitive to their needs, and attentive to what they have to say will always keep you in their favourite list. In case, something goes wrong with your product or service, quickly accept your mistake, immediately fix the issue, and address your customer. This will never let you lose them.

Besides, using social media is a long-term marketing strategy. You cannot expect returns immediately. It can take you months to a year to gain a loyal customer base even with the best content.

Try to remember all these points. They will surely help you protect your brand image. And also through insights and analytics do narrow down the best frequency of postings for your brand.

Alisha – Thank you so much for all the advice. I’ll make sure I work on them right away and streamline my digital marketing. It has been an insightful meeting. I would love to recommend you to my friends as well.

Brand Stylist – Thank you. I’m always happy to help my clients.

If you too have any unanswered queries,
contact us today. Allow us to help you!
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About Aarti Narang

As a Personal Brand Strategist and Stylist, I partner with Entrepreneurs and Professionals with at least 5 years’ experience, wishing to become more visible to their target clients; who want to attract premium clients, want fewer hours worked, more money earned per hour, a less stressful and enjoyable business. I’m passionate about designing distinctive, authentic, and brilliant personal brand stories. My job is to make YOU shine by delicately Branding your Style, your uniqueness, and create a winning Brand YOU. Through creative content writing, aesthetic visuals, (logo and graphic elements), and sparkling digital presence, I help you project a powerful brand image.