October 21, 2018

 Do you want to Double Your Earnings?   

Don’t we want our passions to somehow toss in profits, rather than just give us satisfaction?. Let’s be honest. We may be perusing a career that makes us happy and fulfills our passion but somewhere, aren’t we striving to make more money and have a comfortable and luxurious life? So, why not start to double your earnings and […]

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January 16, 2017

Do alligators alligate?

I had a very interesting conversation with my friend yesterday.. We were discussing on how certain brands have become a way of life. We see kids saying they love Maggie. They never say they want to eat noodles but instead they say they want to eat Maggie… (Gosh we did that as kids too…) Doesn’t […]

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January 16, 2017

“Are you ready to ruin your reputation?”

“If you are not branding yourself, somebody else will”. Not paying attention to creating the right perception about your brand may tarnish your brand image, affect finances, negate business results, or postpone success.. Branding is not just a logo, graphics, or content. It is much more than that… It’s about evoking emotions, standing out, and […]

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