January 5, 2019

14 Ways You Can Increase Your Visibility

By: Tracey Tait (Source:https://www.transcendyou.co.uk/14-ways-can-increase-visibility/).   Are You Fed Up Posting, Tweeting and Blogging and Still Struggling to Increase Your Visibility? Fed up being ignored while other businesses make their visibility seem easy? You want more eyeballs on your business so you can sell more, but sometimes the problem is what you’re not saying.  You could […]

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January 3, 2017

Projecting Brand You!

Imagine it is one of the client’s new office inauguration day. You have a three-inch crystal Ganesha as a Gift. The crystal Ganesha is intrinsically carved with precious stones, a dash of gold sprinkled with gleaming glitter. All of it; giving a royal look. You place your precious gift in an endearing small box. Will […]

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