“Consistency is the core for Brand Imprint.” This is what we suggested to our client recently in regards to his social media username and URL..
It was a new client we were working with. As soon as we completed a custom web design and made an impactful website for him, we moved on to do a social media makeover for his accounts. We saw many inconsistencies across all his social media platforms.
Personalization for High Recall
Our client’s username in FaceBook had an uppercase format while on Twitter it was in lowercase. Even the profile URL was different on all platforms. This meant inconsistent online visibility and lack of importance given to online reputation management. Remember, the URL is also SEO friendly.
We suggested to the client to bring consistency in his social media usernames and profile URLs. This is one of the important steps in building recall, brand imprint and SEO reputation management.
Online Handles are Crucial
For a sharper brand projection, it’s not enough setting up a designer website but it’s also important to carry the brand identity to the social media networks. The website does establish trust, but one cannot stop there. Continuing to impress and create a strong bond with potential customers is necessary for the long run.
The WHY for Consistency
We had to further clarify our client’s doubts and give him a vivid picture as to why we need to focus on something as trivial as a username to maintain consistency. Well, here’s something we shared with him:
- Branding: Your site should make an instant connection between your brand name and your social media user names too. This helps in visibility on google search and the repetitive names eventually seem nothing but natural in your visitors’ minds.
- Rhythm: Giving your site a logical rhythm and flow contributes to a consistent design as well. Visitors should be able to pick up on that predictable rhythm, which in turn will help them know what to expect next.
- Identify: The consistent username helps your potential customers to find you with ease amid the myriad different products and services. They can search you easily on social media platforms and recognise you.
Guide to Maintaining a Consistent Username and URL
Not all social networks would automatically create profile URLs out of your full name or username by default when you first sign up.
Your Instagram URL will always be instagram.com/username, your Twitter URL will always be twitter.com/username your and your Pinterest URL will always be pinterest.com/username. So if you change your username on any of these social networks, your profile URL will automatically change as well.
If you use Anchor, Quora, Tumblr, do fix their username and URL also.
Here are the step by step tutorials for changing your username and URL on prominent social media networks.
For username: https://m.facebook.com/help/www/162586890471598
For URL: https://www.wikihow.com/Change-Your-Facebook-URL#Changing-Your-Profile-URL-on-Desktop
For username: https://www.linkedin.com/help/linkedin/answer/79/changing-how-your-name-appears-on-your-profile
For URL: https://www.linkedin.com/help/linkedin/answer/87/customize-your-public-profile-url
URL: https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/2657968
Username: https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/2657964
For Username and URL: https://help.twitter.com/en/managing-your-account/change-twitter-handle
For username and URL: https://help.instagram.com/583107688369069