January 20, 2019

Is Website Passé in the Age of Whatsapp and Social Media?

There was an interesting conversation that I overheard at the airport last weekend. Not that I was eavesdropping, but I couldn’t stop listening to the rapt discussion between two men in their early thirties..

One of them opined that Whatsapp, Instagram, Facebook, and the like are the current buzz in online digital marketing. Websites are passé and soon will get outdated. However, his friend argued websites are here to stay. And that gives me food for thought and an interesting article to write on!

The Surfacing of Social Media

Whatsapp Business opened new opportunities for people to share their message through mobile and online marketing. Be it a sneak peek into a company’s workings or upcoming events, you can instantly send your message across to your target audience.

Apart from Whatsapp Business, other social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, have various marketing tools to help with your business activities. People are taking advantage of these apps in sharing information and building customer relationship.

But do you think, with social media taking over everything, websites are no more required?

Projecting Your Authenticity

In a techno-savvy world like today, you are expected to be searched and checked out by people before they meet you personally. You may surely be present on any of the social media sites. But your option to project yourself is limited on those sites depending on the word count the site allows, the kind of media that can be shared and so on.

However, with your own website, the sky is the limit. You can express yourself the way you wish to, build authenticity and credibility, and thereby, achieve success. (* ORIGINAL TEXT)

However, with assistance from a website development company or by creating your own website, the sky is the limit. You can express yourself the way you wish to, build authenticity and credibility, and thereby, achieve success. 

Even before you meet someone for a business deal, they may warm up to the idea of establishing business relations with you just by visiting your website. That’s the kind of impact a website can have.

Your Own Little Space

As we have mentioned, when you are using any of these social media sites, you are dependent on a platform provided by someone else. It’s like harvesting your crop on someone else’s land. As such, you exist till the platform exists; you exist till they allow you to; you exist as per their terms and conditions. So, in other words, all power lies with the platform.

Social media being like a third party company, you may run into the risk of losing your fan following if the site is pulled down for some reason. Your idea is to create an inbound funnel of followers, diverting your audience to your website through mails and other tools.

Social Media Constraints

When it comes to social media sites, remember your customer base may not be present there. Besides, in an app like Whatsapp, you can only contact users who are present in your contact list or wants to receive your updates. So that allows you to contact only your regular database.

Your Website is the Window to Your Business

Your website is the core of your online presence and can speak on your behalf. You not only own it but also have full control over it. You have a choice to decide how your page should look like in accordance with your brand identity and brand value. You can go creative to personalize and build a unique and distinctive site for yourself. (*ORIGINAL TEXT)

Your website is the core of your online presence and can speak on your behalf. You not only own it but also have full control over it. You have a choice to decide how your page should look like in accordance with your brand identity and brand value. You can go creative to personalize and build a unique and distinctive site for yourself. Also, there has been a surge of using custom web design services lately. Taking help from a custom web design company can make your brand stand out.

Through a right mix of content, you can project your beliefs, highlight your brand story, and get people notice and like you.

Your website is where people can visit anytime anywhere around the globe to know more about you. It helps people searching you get an access to all information they need. They can get detailed facts and figures about your services or products, know who you are, and more.

Further, a website allows you the option to generate revenue by selling ad space and sponsorships.


So websites have their own place in the internet world and it is here to stay. It can help you build credibility, overcome the restrictions other sites impose, you can set your own rules, and even project your business values through it. With a UX website you can engage with your target audience, the ones who you have not yet met.

Social media is like yesterdays yellow pages and you cannot ignore it. You can use it to generate traffic to your website and increase sales.

Further, with the future of websites being virtual reality, a complete shift is about to ensue in the way you experience a website. With totally realistic virtual experiences, websites will take up a core position in businesses.

If you feel you need a refreshing website presence too, apart from your existing social media presence, we are just a call away! 

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About Aarti Narang

As a Personal Brand Strategist and Stylist, I partner with Entrepreneurs and Professionals with at least 5 years’ experience, wishing to become more visible to their target clients; who want to attract premium clients, want fewer hours worked, more money earned per hour, a less stressful and enjoyable business. I’m passionate about designing distinctive, authentic, and brilliant personal brand stories. My job is to make YOU shine by delicately Branding your Style, your uniqueness, and create a winning Brand YOU. Through creative content writing, aesthetic visuals, (logo and graphic elements), and sparkling digital presence, I help you project a powerful brand image.